The Bears took their skills off the ice to give back to Smith Falls, volunteering throughout the holiday season to complete a number of good deeds. Pendant les Fêtes, les membres des Bears se sont surpassés en dehors de la patinoire en faisant du bénévolat pour la...
The Red Devils challenged each other throughout the course of the season to complete good deeds, with each team member playing their own important role in giving back. Watch their submission from January 15th – 28th to help them become one of three Chevrolet Good...
Check out highlights from the Ddine Family’s road trip from Halifax to Scots Bay in the 2019 Equinox. Watch their video submission between July 29th – August 11th to help determine the Most Road-Trippable Town in Canada. Every view counts as a vote! For more...
Check out highlights from the Powers Family’s road trip from Calgary to Pincher Creek in the 2019 Traverse. Watch their video submission between July 29th – August 11th to help determine the Most Road-Trippable Town in Canada. Every view counts as a vote! For...
Regardez les faits saillants de la randonnée de la famille Gauthier-Robillard de Québec à Rimouski, à bord du Blazer 2019. Visionnez leur vidéo entre le 29 juillet et le 11 août pour aider à identifier La route la plus trippante au Canada. Chaque visionnement...